Match Day

Whether it’s an important tournament, or a dual meet, there are many things you need to do in order to be prepared for competition. Here are some key things you should bring to keep yourself focused and ready throughout the day.


The essentials are everything you need to wrestle, including other things. This includes:

  • Singlet
  • Headgear
  • Wrestling shoes
  • Water bottle
  • Food*

*The best foods to pack are things that will give you back energy immediately after a match. Gatorade is good if you have multiple matches in a day, so that you can recover fast and get back electrolytes.

Recommended Items

Here are the things that are recommended to bring:

  • Headphones / Earbuds – Listening to your favorite music can be a good way to stay calm and stay focused right before a match.
  • Things to occupy your time between matches, such as books or gaming systems.
  • A notebook and pencil. Everyone has disappointing matches, and it’s useful to write down what you want to improve on immediately after a match while it’s still fresh in your mind.

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